ADLAI STEVENSON II. The man who once declared that he had gone into politics to prove that a politician, too, could be a decent human being. Maybe it's because of that that he was dubbed "the eternal loser". He tried for the presidency three times —the last time he was beaten by John F. Kennedy. Kennedy then outmanoevered him by not making him secretary of state, but USA representative in the United Nations. When the USA invaded Cuba (the infamous Bay of Pigs scandal) Kennedy conveniently forgot to inform Stevenson about it. So Stevenson made an ass of himself there by proclaiming the innocence of the USA, stating the allegations were "categorically ... without foundation." He was humiliated when, inevitably, the truth soon came out, though his reputation didn't suffer; everyone figured he'd been misled, since Adlai Stevenson would never lie (dig this) so baldly! (When you search the web for Stevenson, you may find info on how he was a shyster lawyer, who came out with false proofs that tobacco gave you cancer. Everybody knows this merely was an evil government plot just to discredit tobacco, or so those sites seem to feel. Well, I'm not entirely convinced they're right.)